About Monica

Meet Monica: Your Guide to Healing and Empowerment.

Monica’s healing journey began over 30 years ago with a deep fascination for crystals. Since then, it has become a rich tapestry of healing modalities, including the Silvers Healing Modality (as seen on Gaia TV), Usui/Holy Fire® Reiki, Chakra Clearing and Balancing, and Biofield Tune Forking. She specializes in listening to the specific needs of each client. Her approach is very interactive. Together, you will work on releasing what is causing distress in your body. Her skills can help you reduce anxiety, intrusive thoughts, emotional, and physical pain. Her work focuses on changing thought patterns while performing healing and rejuvenating techniques of energy healing. You can expect some ‘ah-ha’ moments, soothing relief, and homework so you can continue to release what is causing distress in your body. Monica looks forward to serving and empowering you!

Her goal in life is to reach as many people as possible, not only to physically heal them, but also to teach them how to participate in healing themselves. Examples of people’s issues include back pain, hip pain, neck pain—any pain you feel in the body can usually be traced back to an event you experienced in your life. Your body is trying to remind you to take notice and work through it. Together, you can identify the event, discuss it, and put it into the proper perspective. Then, she can release the stuck energy, and send you home with exercises to work on resolving the underlying issue so that pain doesn’t return.

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Discover healing for your mind, body, and spirit.